vip cars limousine service
Grand hotel Pupp Karlovy Vary
Grand hotel Plaza Karlovy Vary
Grand hotel Olympic Palace Karlovy Vary
Grand hotel Savoy West End Karlovy Vary

VIP CARS has been on the market since 2008.

e have achieved the highest possible level of VIP SERVICES according to the standard of The Leading Hotels of the World. We have been successfully collaborating with many prestigious hotels throughout the Czech Republic and the European Union, as well as several modelling and music agencies. In everything we do, we always strive to satisfy our clients who keep returning to us. Our portfolio includes the following services: individual transfers, excursions, catering, personal protection, wedding transportation services, vehicle rental, and comprehensive personal services.

Our team is fluent is several languages, including Russian, German, English and Arabic. We secure passenger transport exclusively by means of our fleet of new luxurious Mercedes Benz S-Class, E-Class, and V-Class models. After experiencing the luxury and the quality of our services, you will no longer wonder why to choose namely VIP CARS.


The company owner, Mr. René Holúsek, speaks on behalf of the team.

podpis vip cars

Mercedes Benz Karlovy Vary
Automyčka Bolid
Thermal Karlovy Vary
Eurojet Karlovy Vary
Moser Karlovy Vary


Čankovská 10
Karlovy Vary 360 05
Czech Republic
René Holúsek
Identification Number: 626 42 987
Tax identification number: CZ6904294287
The company is registered with the Municipal Authority of Karlovy Vary
Č.j.: ŽÚ/U1183/2017/Pi
Bankovní účet: 2301476204/2010
IBAN: CZ06 2010 0000002 3014 7620 4,
We accept credit cards:
+420 603 549 250
Vip ru
+420 731 656 007
Vip ru Vip de
+420 739 054 005
Vip ru Vip en Vip de
+420 735 170 150
Vip ru Vip de
+420 739 055 345
Vip ru Vip en

Rent a car and bike

+420 775 660 826
Vip ru Vip en Vip de
vip cars limousine service

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